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Automobile Engineering MCQ PRO
Key Features of this APP:
• At practice mode you can see the explanation describing the correct answer.
• Real exam style full mock exam with timed interface
• Ability to create own quick mock by choosing the number of MCQ’s.
• You can create your profile and see your result history with just one click.
• This app contains large number of question set that covers all syllabus area.
Automobile Engineering MCQ Exam Practice 2018 Ed app for your Automobile Engineering Examination.
Automobile engineering, along with aerospace engineering and marine engineering, is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety engineering as applied to the design, manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles and trucks and their respective engineering subsystems. It also includes modification of vehicles. Manufacturing domain deals with the creation and assembling the whole parts of automobiles is also included in it.The automotive engineering field is research -intensive and involves direct application of mathematical models and formulas. The study of automotive engineering is to design, develop, fabricate, and testing vehicles or vehicle components from the concept stage to production stage. Production, development, and manufacturing are the three major functions in this field.
Automobile engineers work in every area of the industry, from the look and feel of current cars, to the safety and security of new forms of transport. Attempting to make cars as fast as possible whilst keeping them fuel efficient may seem like an impossible task, but this is the kind of problem automotive engineer’s deal with every day.
Topic covered:
1: Basic Mechanical Engineering
2: Automobile Engineering
3: Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines
4: Engineering Materials
5: Engineering Thermodynamics
6: Engineering Mechanics
7: Heat and Mass Transfer
8: Hydraulic Machines
9: Internal Combustion Engines
10: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
11:Industrial Engineering and Production Management
12: Mechanical Machine Design
13: Engineering Graphics
14: Manufacturing and Production Technology
15: Power Plant Engineering
16: Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
17: Strength of Materials
18: Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines
19: Theory of Machine
20: Workshop Technology
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